cardinals... bright red?.... or not.

waiting for "red fox color" ink 
Had an interesting discussion over at my Facebook Page, when I claimed that the red cardinals would be too much after the fox was printed in his correct red fox color. I had quite a few "But I love the red cardinals" comments...

This was my response....

"I'll have to wait to see. When I start a project, whether it's paint or print or collage... I try to decide my "intent" before I start. That way I have a focus... This print is about the fox. I have to be careful not to fall in love with any parts that end up good, but don't support my "why"...My concern is that the cardinals would call attention away from the star of this particular show. I won't know for sure until I see it with the right fox color... You two have made me decide on my next linoleum project though... and it will be about Cardinals! I love them too!!! Thanks so much for your input... Seriously, I appreciate it!... because sometimes I get too much in my own head, and lose perspective."

Since I posted that comment... I've decided to do a few prints with a Grey Fox and the bright red cardinals...

Because I can. 

Red Sky

Having fun with these small color studies in watercolor... They are painted on Strathmore "mixed media" paper, which is very smooth and absorbent. It's forcing me to put the paint down and let it be. It's a good exercise for a over-worker like me.

And Miles To Go Before I Sleep

AND MILES TO GO BEFORE I SLEEP 36x43" Acrylic (c)2011 L. Everett Finn
It's a BIG 'un (36 x 43 inches).... There is a two track road that we ski by to get to the park. (Spencer Road) I've always loved this spot...There's something about the tree sheltered pathway across the swamp.

One of the things I wanted to work on this year is using I'm patting myself on the back today. Lookie there... just grayed and neutral colors. I had to sit on my hands so I would not paint a cardinal sitting on one of the branches. (hehehe)

Pick just one word for 2009.....

"Starlight Starbright" 3.5 x 5.5 acrylic on paper

Christine Kane (i love her music and her spirit) suggests an alternative to making a bunch of New Year's resolutions. She suggests that we choose just one word as our theme for the new year. I love the simplicity of this idea. I'm pondering my list... the hard thing will be to choose just one. Here are some of my ideas:

Self-care (I call "hyphen makes it one word")

Let me know if you decide on a one word theme to 2009...