cardinals... bright red?.... or not.

waiting for "red fox color" ink 
Had an interesting discussion over at my Facebook Page, when I claimed that the red cardinals would be too much after the fox was printed in his correct red fox color. I had quite a few "But I love the red cardinals" comments...

This was my response....

"I'll have to wait to see. When I start a project, whether it's paint or print or collage... I try to decide my "intent" before I start. That way I have a focus... This print is about the fox. I have to be careful not to fall in love with any parts that end up good, but don't support my "why"...My concern is that the cardinals would call attention away from the star of this particular show. I won't know for sure until I see it with the right fox color... You two have made me decide on my next linoleum project though... and it will be about Cardinals! I love them too!!! Thanks so much for your input... Seriously, I appreciate it!... because sometimes I get too much in my own head, and lose perspective."

Since I posted that comment... I've decided to do a few prints with a Grey Fox and the bright red cardinals...

Because I can. 

Honoring Honor...a fundraiser

“Once upon a time, there was an artist living in Honor, Michigan. (ummmm that would be ME) She read about the Honor Area Restoration project (HARP), a group of citizens that were dedicated to making things better where they lived. “How can I help?” she asked herself. Her skill was art making, so she decided to do a series of paintings depicting local scenes and the “Honoring Honor” series was born. $5 from every print;$3 from each note card set; and 50 cents from each individual card sold,will be donated directly to HARP.”
Click HERE if you are interested in buying a print or note-card of the images pictured. Or maybe forward the link to anyone you know that vacations here! THANK YOU!

Print available

"Phantom Tulips" print
A friend of mine convinced me to get this painting scanned and offer it as a fine art print.
A 14 x 11 inch size (open edition and signed) is $70. If you are interested, just contact me. (If you would like it larger or smaller I can do that too.)
I just got back from northern Michigan....We had a family vacation there. Our youngest (21) is here for a week (from LA) and our oldest (24) was here from Cleveland. After an initial adjustment to being back together...(all brothers fight, right?) we had a wonderful time. Lots of golf, and wandering around Traverse City.
Next week will be back to normal...whatever that is. One thing for sure...a big studio clean up is in order....yuck.