Kroger Bouquet

# 67 Kroger Bouquet~ 12x9~ acrylic on Yupo

Yesterday, I intended to drive to a local nursery green house to pick up some potted plants to paint... hoping for flowering plants...Freesia, or something inspiring. I only made it as far as the corner Kroger (our local supermarket). I did this quick (20 minute?) painting at the tail end of my painting day from the bouquet I got there....(I worked most of the day on a large poppy painting that I'm more excited about)
The set up would have liked some more dramatic lighting... a spot light would have been nice. This is what it looks like with flat, even, daylight fluorescents. :-)  I sort of like the color combo though... it's different for me.

When you think you're finished...but you're not.

decided it was not done (signature was put on with Photo-shop)
I thought I was finished with this one last week....But this morning, I saw that the right side needed something for balance. After I painted on the circle...then I got out the paint pens... and I have a hard time quitting once the paint pens are a few more somethings were added. I think it's better now....And it's in the truly finished pile waiting to be varnished.

I'm superstitious about signing my work. If there is any doubt as to whether a painting is finished, I hold off. I want my signature to be the very last thing added. This baby is actually signed now. :)

"Doubles" ~ Acrylic on Yupo ~ 6.5x6.5 inches

Small Paintings...Small Thoughts

I've been doing warm-up paintings on a very small scale (6 x 6") that will be available at my show at Flint St. Gallery next month. They will be matted and simply framed and very affordable! ($75)

"Baby Steps"
6 x 6
Acrylic on Yupo Paper*
This one reminds me of those black jack candies... Licorice and chewy and very sweet. Also gives off a bit of a quilt vibe.

"Partners In Climb"
6 x 6"
Acrylic on Yupo Paper*

I just don't know what to say about this one. LOL Are those googley eyes or boobs?

"Round the Bend"
6 x 6"
Acrylic on Yupo Paper*

This one seems like a bit of a new direction...pardon the pun (round the bend)... I can never resist. I must have a secret craving for those black jack taffees mentioned above...what's with the pink and gray and black??? Maybe the Easter Bunny will bring me some black jelly beans to scratch this itch.

*So, what IS Yupo paper?
It's a plastic paper...very slick and non-absorbent. Remember finger painting as a kid? Yup, it's kinda like that. George James is a master with the stuff... and has a couple of excellent videos that explore all of the things you can (and can't) do with it.

Have a hippity hoppity fantastic Easter day!!!