here kitty kitty

"Here Kitty Kitty"  12x12  Acrylic and oil bar on Canvas Panel
I don't have a cat. I have never had a cat. But I do really like cats. How long do you think this bouquet will tempt him before he needs to swat it?
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Woke up this morning and decided that the kitty paws could use a bit of a shadow...and added a couple of dotty stuff on the far left to repeat the white dotty stuff... Hardly EVER go back once it's signed, but couldn't leave it be.

sweet pea one

#56 Sweet Pea One ~ 11x7.5 ~ acrylic and collage
Last week, I went out with some of my friends from the old "hood. Jill asked me about one of my challenge paintings that was of sweet peas. I drew a blank at first... then a few moments later thought of the painting she was referring to. I'm pretty sure it was this one. When I painted it, I wasn't thinking of any specific flower, but after she said "sweet pea" I realized, Oh Yeah! I love sweet peas. My sister grows (and fights with them) every spring.

Perfect subject to do this experiment with. I painted (too quickly... i was excited) some sweet pea shapes with watered acrylic onto water color paper. Then I painted more watery acrylic  sweet peas on a crumbled sheet of soft transparent paper. (I have a roll of it from somewhere... maybe my mom's sewing pattern making paper?) Let them both dry then glued the crumpled paper on top of the painting. I love how it veiled the previous painting... and it took the paint really interestingly after it dried and I added a bit more. I love me a new technique.


#40 Tangled... 5x7 watercolor
I've been painting patterning.... no particular thought in mind... just starting and following my nose. This mindless sort of meandering with paint is a somewhat zen experience.... This is the sort of thing I never make time for, and it's so beneficial. Another plus for doing a challenge. (6 paintings a week for a year)

Hot Stuff

#27 Hot Stuff  7x5 acrylic and colored pencil
I spent all day yesterday, painting. And I have nothing that I want to show you. Some days are like that... luckily not too many of them. It's painful to watch. Hopefully today will be different. This is one that I hadn't posted from last week. Thanks goodness I have a few waiting in the wings for days like yesterday. :-)

Bauble Blossoms

#22 Bauble Blossoms, 7x5 acrylic and silver tape
I had a huge home depot size roll of dryer vent silver tape left over from our new dryer installation... I call it new art supplies. I imagine it showing up in places for a long time.... foil with a sticky back. Love it. Used it in 3 places on this one... with a bit of paint pen on top. Easy peasy silver foil technique. ;-)

Midnight Bouquet

I had started this one as a demo for my Acrylic 101 class at Crystal Lake Art Center... and finished it last week. Kind of a fun color combo. The painting started on a purple and magenta background, and I think that's why the colors seem to glow. I just put this one up for sale on Etsy if you're interested.

Sight for my color starved eyes....

Crystal Gardens, Frankfort MI
Bopped around the garden center yesterday.... in 2 layers of coats and hat and gloves. I was rewarded with this trailer full of spring time glories.... My eyes did the cartoon "BO-ING" thing. They just didn't know what to make of all that glorious color. AND... after I purchased a couple of things...they gave me a free Easter Lily.... How about that...  Thanks Crystal Gardens!  Happy Easter to you too!