Susan Schiesser.... another new favorite artist.

These 2 fabulous paintings are by Susan Schiesser (shown here with permission)
Starting from the left:

"The Pink Bridge"
oil on canvas
18 x 36
(c) Susan Schiesser

"Trees at Luna Lake"
oil on canvas
15 x 30
(c) Susan Schiesser

If you go to her site, you'll find her paintings have realistic elements mixed with hard edged designs, almost like quilt patterns. I also loved the first paragraph of her statement:

"Art has always been a part of my life. I began eating crayons at an early age and later, when I was six, I got into Big Trouble for combining all of my father's house paints into a wheelbarrow and painting big grey spirals on the side of my neighbor's house. I also painted rings on their trees, a practice I still can't give up."

Hope you enjoy drooling over her work as much as I have!

Be the spark when it's dark...

"Structures #14" by Lisa Call (c) 2003
35 x 29"
(with permission)

"In both relationships and life, trust begets trust.
Generosity begets generosity.
Love begets love.
Be the spark, especially when it's dark.
hubba hubba-"

This message was in my inbox this morning. What a great way to start the day... Pretty deep but then they lighten up the mood with the "hubba hubba". Cracked me up. If you want these sorts of messages in your inbox you can sign up at

Lisa Call, a fabulous textile artist mentioned the site on Twitter...that's where I heard about it. Lisa also gave me permission to share one of her gorgeous "textile paintings". A term that she uses to correctly describe her wonderful works. Thanks Lisa!

New Favorite Artist: Sheila Norgate

"Adult Dogs Change their Coats Once a Year"
By: Sheila Norgate (with permission)
Mixed Media
40 x 30

Available at the Diehl Gallery

I just love Sheila Norgate's website.... (I stumbled on it through Robert's Genn's newsletter) Her work is just wonderful too... But what struck me about her website is that she really lets her personality shine through. I'm guessing that I probably would really like to hang out with Sheila. She has a great sense of humor which is very important in my friend selection. :) I clicked through just about everything there... And was lingering on the small works for sale.

I guess my point is that...

  • If I hadn't found her site so charming... I probably wouldn't have looked at the whole thing.
  • If her site wasn't so charming... I wouldn't have lingered over the smaller affordable works for sale...
  • If her site wasn't so charming... I wouldn't be hoping for a few more sales of my own, so that I could buy from her!

Makes me realize how very much my site needs overhauled. Ah... so little much to do!

Robert Burridge!

"Light as a Feather" by Robert Burridge

If you ever have the opportunity to take a workshop from Bob Burridge, DO IT!!! I have never learned so much in 5 days. His "Abstract Acrylic Painting and Collage" workshop, at Dillman's Resort was chock full of techniques, encouragement, inspiration and his wacky humor.

For me, the juice of this workshop was learning to develop a series of work that comes from your soul...A series that's broad enough to last you a while....but narrow enough in it's intent to unite all of the pieces. A big "ah-ha" realization.

Another "big" idea for me, was the small warm-up paintings he suggests you do before you tackle your larger, more complicated works in progress....Actually, now that I'm reflecting on it...there were a ton more "big" ideas that I got from Bob's class! At the very least....pop over to his website and subscribe to his "ArtsyFartsy" newsletter...You'll be glad you did.

Below are 2 paintings that I completed during the workshop....Yup....this is the beginnings of my new series....stay tuned to see and hear more about it!

"The Grass is Greener" 10 x 11 Acrylic (above) (sold)

"Star Climber" 10 x 11 Acrylic (below) (sold)

Quote of the Day:
"To play it safe is not to play." – Robert Altman

A New Favorite Artist....

This painting is by Susan Beauchemin....I love her technique with watercolor...

"My Son's Trailer"... 7 x 7 ....watercolor

I spent quite a bit of time yesterday just surfing art blogs....I found Susan Beauchemin during my online wanderings...What a gem...She uses masking fluid, which is common in watercolor, but she embraces the hard edges that it can leave....creating an almost wood cut feeling in her paintings....Love it!