I'm back painting... and I'm a bit rusty. (I taught a 3-day workshop in Aberdeen NC last week...Fun!) I seem to be less decisive after I've had a break from working. ...and I just push the paint around and fiddle more. I just made myself a big sign...
Yup... I'm shouting at myself. There is no room for wishy washy in the studio.
I start each painting session with a few small "warm-ups"... (I learned this from Robert Burridge's workshop) This is when you can play with colors you don't normally use....They are quick and unconscious works for me... fun to do!
Lots of little collages all lined up and ready to go
I have framers fingers... lots of picture wire was tied and cut today. These wee beauties will be available at Synchronicity Gallery in Glen Arbor, MI.....other than the two that have sold since I posted this picture on Facebook. (Thanks!)
Still using the reams of paper I made using the Gelli Plate. I'm enjoying this process...It's a nice combination of painting, collage and quilting-ish. Some of these will be available at Synchronicity Gallery in Glen Arbor, MI this season.