"Valentine Bouquet"
10 x 8
watercolor class sample (at JoAnn's in Auburn Hills)
This class will be available next week. Come join me and we'll splash some paint around!
I had the best time with my beginning watercolor class on Wednesday night. The ladies were just so much fun! I must say, all 3 of their projects turned out just great! (It was the Winter Trees class)
Have a great weekend!
I get to wear my "big girl" shoes tonight....Don and I are going out to dinner with 3 other couples...Wow! A date night!
Quote of the Day:
"The real study of an art student is more a development of that sensitive nature and appreciative imagination with which he was so fully endowed when a child, and which, unfortunately in almost all cases, the contact with the grown-ups shames out of him before he passes into what is understood as real life."
~Robert Henri (in "The Art Spirit")
Newest favorite iTunes buy:
"Falling Slowly" by Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova